Frederic Watson ES
Virtual SOT Meeting
April 28, 2021
Meeting was called to order @ 3:40 pm
1.0 Roll Call - Attendees were: Melissa Castellano, Leana Black, Chelsea Steele, Shawn Nielsen, Daniel Davis, Silvia Silva.
2.0 Minutes - Review of the meetings from March 3rd meeting. Motion to approve the minutes by Melissa Castellano, motion seconded by Silvia Silva, minutes approved unanimously.
o 3.1 School Budget Update/Staffing
o Budget is ok
o Staffing needs: PE aide and Intermediate Autism
o 3.2 Return to school/Distance Learning Update
o Going well
o District Plans to purchase comprehensive math/reading curriculum
o 4.1 Staff Appreciation
o Celebrating Next week with lunches and other treats
o 4.2 End of the Year
o Still many restrictions, possible drive through event
o 4.3 Summer Accerlation
o Approximately 200 students signed up and 80% of staff
o Plans being made and submitted
o June 1-30th
o Will resend email/parentlink/DOJO reminders for parents to sign up
5.0 Public Speaking Period – No one signed up for public speaking
6.0 End of Meeting – Next meeting scheduled for Wednesday May 19th @ 3:40 pm
Virtual meeting invites to be sent out by Mr. Nielsen
Motion to adjourn by Chelsea Steele seconded by Silvia Silva. All in favor, meeting dismissed at 4:00 pm.