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01/26/2022 SOT Agenda


Fredric W. Watson Elementary School

5845 N. Commerce St. North Las Vegas, Nevada 89031 Phone: (702) 799-7040 Fax: (702) 799-7028


January 26, 2022

3:45 – 5:00

Virtual Meeting (Google Meet)

School Organizational Team Members:

Tiffany Martinez – Member

Melissa Castellano – Member

Silvia Silva – Member

Michelle Holloway – Member

Ricardo Barbosa – Member

Aston Azcuna – Member

Shawn Nielsen – Principal

This meeting agenda is posted publicly on the school website at

The School Organizational Team may take items on the agenda out of order; may combine two or more agenda items for consideration; and may remove an item from the agenda or delay discussion relating to items on the agenda at any time.

Speakers wishing to speak during the public comment period for this meeting may call the office or sign up in person immediately prior to the beginning of the meeting. Speakers will be called in the order in which they signed up. No one may sign up for another person or yield their time to another person. Generally, a person wishing to speak during the comment period will be allowed two (2) minutes to address the School Organizational Team. Speakers that are disruptive will be asked to leave the meeting.

  1. Welcome and Roll Call

  2. Review of minutes from December 8, 2021

    1. Recommendations for 21-22 or 22-23 school year

      1. Tutoring will begin the first week of February. Students were selected by Ms. Young and Ms. Kang for math and reading. Ms. Steel will be tutoring for SBAC practice.

      2. Ms. Shervanick’s Field Trip Information

      3. Reading A-Z license has not yet been purchased

  3. Review/Update on Past Items

    1. Staffing Update

      1. Librarian (Open)

      2. 1-SPTA Early Child

      3. (2) Instructional assistant for resource-(Open)

      4. SEIF- (Open)

      5. 5th Grade-(Open)

      6. Resource- (Open)

      7. Clerk (Started on the 25th)

      8. School Aide (Ms. Montana)

  4. New Business

    1. Watson will receive a projected budget for 2022-2023.

      1. Proposals

    2. Title 1 Budget $249,401.

      1. Input for spending

    3. Reading Program for 2022-2023

    4. Summer Acceleration

  5. Information

    1. Next meeting January 16, 2022?

6.0 Public Speaking Period

7.0 End of Meeting

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Fredric W. Watson                        5845 N. Commerce St                 Phone: 702-799-7040

Elementary School                       N. Las Vegas, NV 89031                Fax:  702-799-7028                            



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