Meeting was called to order @ 3:49 pm
1.0 Roll Call - Attendees were: Melissa Castellano, Leana Black, Shawn Nielsen, Daniel Davis, Silvia Silva,
Michelle Holloway
Absent: Chelsea Steele, Selena Brooks
2.0 Minutes - Review of the meetings from May 2021 meeting. Motion to approve the minutes by Leana
Black, motion seconded by Michelle Holloway, minutes approved unanimously.
⦁ 3.1 School Budget Update 2021-2022
⦁ Count day is 9/10, new budget info will be released after
⦁ Currently enrollment is as follows:
Projected Actual
Kinder 97 84
1st 97 89
2nd 93 95
3rd 95 99
4th 101 95
5th 96 101
3.2 Staffing Update
⦁ Vacancies are: Librarian, SPTA - EC
⦁ New social worker on staff!
3.2 Distance Learning/Return to school
⦁ Covid protocols ever changing
⦁ Masks required
⦁ Social Distancing wherever possible
4.1 Fundraiser - Pumpkin Run
⦁ Outside, hoping it will be approved within guideline with minor modifications
4.2 Fall Festival
⦁ Covid protocols will dictate if possible.
⦁ Mention of possible drive thru or trunk or treat event in place of traditional carnival
style festival
Melissa will set up Virtual Panda Express Fundraiser for mid to end of September
5.0 Public Speaking Period – No one signed up for public speaking
6.0 End of Meeting – Next meeting tentatively scheduled for Wednesday September 29th @ 3:40 pm
Motion to adjourn by Silvia Silva seconded by Michelle Holloway.
All in favor, meeting dismissed at 4:28 PM