Frederic Watson ES
SOT Meeting
February 12th 2020
Attendees were: Mr. Nielsen, Ms. Beccar, Melissa Castellano, Amanda Lutzke, Silvia Silva
Absent: Kristi Gines, Mrs. Lombardi
Meeting was called to order @ 3:49 pm by Chair Amanda Lutzke.
Review of the meetings from January 29th meeting. Motion to approve the minutes by Silvia Silva motion seconded Ms. Beccar, approved unanimously.
March: Literacy Week night March 19th. Basket raffle (book themed baskets by each grade). Same food trucks from STEAM night will be attending again. Book fair opens!
March: Controlled Kaos fundraiser set for Saturday March 14th. Will begin advertising.
April: Spring Carnival – DATE TBD – no new info as of yet.
Budget Updates – Mr. Nielsen
Full time site based tech position.
i-ready math online portion no longer district approved. Discussing with staff alternate options.
Budget to be submitted soon.
Motion to adjourn by Melissa Castellano, seconded by Silvia Silva. Meeting dismissed at 4:10 pm.