Frederic Watson ES
Virtual SOT Meeting
March 3, 2021
Meeting was called to order @ 3:43 pm
1.0 Roll Call - Attendees were: Melissa Castellano, Salena Brooks, Leana Black, Chelsea Steele, Michelle Holloway, Shawn Nielsen, Daniel Davis, Silvia Silva.
2.0 Minutes - Review of the meetings from February 3rd meeting. Motion to approve the minutes by Leana Black, motion seconded by Melissa Castellano, minutes approved unanimously.
o 3.1 School Budget Update
o Budget was submitted as discussed in the last meeting
o Plan to purchase a comprehensive reading program
o District should be providing math program
o Budgeted for SW, still waiting to hire
o Potentially need a phonics program
o 3.2 Distance Learning Update
o Cohort A went well! Approx. 85 kids, Cohort B starts tomorrow approx. 95 kids.
o School Performance plan. GOALS: close the gaps, increase proficiency. PLAN: new reading program, new math program (district provided) continued PD, CTTs for small group intervention, Parent engagement/info meetings (quarterly)
o April 6th begins in person 5 days a week
o 3.3 Staffing
o New J1 teachers began end of February and plan to continue in the 21-22 school year.
o Ratios for next year:
Kinder - 5 teachers
1st - 6 teachers
2nd- 6 teachers
3rd - 5 teachers
4th – 4 teachers
5th – 4 teachers
o Current Openings:
1st grade – 1 teacher
5th grade – 1 teacher
Humanities (art/etc)
5.0 Public Speaking Period – No one signed up for public speaking
6.0 End of Meeting – Next meeting scheduled for Wednesday April 21st @ 3:40 pm
Virtual meeting invites to be sent out by Mr. Nielsen
Motion to adjourn by Melissa Castellano, seconded by Chelsea Steele. All in favor, meeting dismissed at 4:23 pm.