Frederic Watson ES
SOT Meeting
January 15th 2020
Attendees were: Mr. Nielsen, Mr. Davis, Mrs. Lombardi, Ms. Beccar, Kristi Gines, Melissa Castellano, Amanda Lutzke, and Silvia Silva
Meeting was called to order @ 3:46 pm by Chair Amanda Lutzke.
Review of the meetings from December meeting. Motion to approve the minutes by Melissa Castellano, motion seconded by Mrs. Lombardi, approved unanimously.
January: 28th – Family Night @ Texas Road House.
February: 6th – STEAM night
January 29th – 1st semester awards
VALENTINES GRAMS – Fundraiser for literacy – Ms. Beccar
March: Literacy Week is March 16-20, 19th will be literacy night and start of the spring book fair.
April: Spring Carnival – DATE TBD
Budget Updates – Mr. Nielsen
The district has updated the budget planning system. Admins still learning all the new information, layout, etc.
SB71 Funds= $174,000
Title 1 Funds= $233,000
RBG3 Funds= $89,000 (funding for 1 strategist)
CSR Funds= $725,000
Next meeting will focus more on budget with emphasis on funding allocations.
Next meeting scheduled for Wednesday January 29th @ 3:45 pm
Motion to adjourn by Amanda Lutzke, seconded by Dori Lombardi. Meeting dismissed at 4:31 pm.